Friday, January 8, 2016

Fuck!!! Ok pretty intense beginning but this is what happens when I live inside my own head too much. I am now back from a three month sabbatical? Well secondment - in a fabulous wee capital city where I was miss social butterfly personified.  I was the meet up queen! Walking, art trails, theatre, yum Cha - you name it I would sign up for it.  Oh the stimulation. And motivation - well ok not always - I did still have the odd blob on the couch zoning on light box too. I am now back in the land of 'bro!' And redbands and the same bloody walk EVERY Sunday .  God I'm an ungrateful bitch! People are homeless and live in cars and have no friends to walk with.  Ok I know I'm being a moany Minnie. And that's exactly my point.  This is what happens when I live inside my head which is exactly what happens when there isn't enough stimulation. So whats next? I need more meet Ups! Watch this space.......

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Why is it the single woman is portrayed in films and TV at home in her sweats, eating junk and drinking large glasses of wine while watching silly movies - as a bad thing! Read pining and lonely waiting for a wonderful man to rescue her.  Whatever! She's doing fine thanks.  Pleasing herself and doing whatever she wants coz there's no one judging her or expecting her to make dinner or watch sport or massage their feet.  Feel sorry for her ?  Dont bother! 

Saturday, June 27, 2015

The rainbow is losing its colour

It's a rainbow world with the U.S. voting to support same sex marriage.  The notion of the rainbow is that we are multi hued and we should celebrate and embrace our differences, free from bigotry and discrimination.  Sounds good! The insidious move I'm seeing now though is the push to homogenous us all. Using terminology about children being 'assigned a gender' at birth and the discussion on neutral gender approach at pre school and high school.  It all sound so lovely and open and empowering because we are able to choose whether we want to be boys or girls and it's wrong to gender discriminate or stereotype. What I see though is a social science experiment that in my view dehumanises us into homogenous blanks and it tampers with the fabric of our society which includes cultural and social stereotyping and  roles and approaches and differences.  Societies all over the world have evolved and survived on defined and distinct roles and social norms.  Evolving over time and interwoven with cultural and often religious values.  We haven't had a society yet where everyone is a totally blank canvas, leaving it to the individual to decide whether they want to be he or she or it.  And that there is no distinction between gender and gender identities or roles. It's a huge leap from where we've come with feminism and the fight to recognise that women and men are different but equal.  Then GLBT people also being different but equal.  Now we are saying equal and not different.  Wonder how this will turn out?